Magic Pipe Penis Pump

  • Length: 22 см.
  • Material: АБС и Силикон
  • Диаметър: 6.3
  • Цвят: Прозрачен
  • Характеристика: Пълна
Price: 79.00 BGN

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Penis pump for enlargement Magic Pipe - effective stimulation and instant powerful erection for everyone!
Enjoy the pleasure of the vacuum suction, accompanied by the satisfaction of the member enlarging before your eyes!

The Magic Pipe pump consists of a plastic cylinder, a latex sleeve and a hand pump with a pressure equalization valve.

The purpose is to pump out the air contained in the cavity. By squeezing the pump, a vacuum is created, as a result of which blood enters the penis and the penis is better supplied with blood. With regular use, the capacity of the penis to hold blood increases and you will be able to enjoy even more powerful erections!

How to use: Lubricate the pump inlet with lubricant. Insert the semi-erect member into the cylinder, adjust to a tight fit and start pumping air with the hand pump. After achieving the desired result, remove the pump.

Use carefully and do not pump for too long! If you feel discomfort, notice bruising of the penis, discoloration of the glans, or the appearance of red spots, release the pressure and discontinue use of the pump.

The penis pump contains:
transparent vacuum cylinder with the measuring scale
elastic cuff
hose with ball pump and safety valve

Size: 21 cm
Material: Silicone and ABS,
Free of phthalates, according to EU Regulation 1907/2006/EU.


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