Incense sticks with pheromones, 20 pcs

  • Аромат: Канела
  • Количество: 20
  • Тип: С феромони] (Списък под-акцентирани) Аромат: N[Канела
Price: 33.00 BGN

It will be even more fun with...

–25% top
№: 9390 unisex Good for all
21.75 BGN
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–30% top
№: 11006 unisex Good for all
17.50 BGN
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–30% top
№: 9341 unisex Good for all
10.50 BGN
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№: 91405 Good for men
10.50 BGN
15.00 BGN


Scented sticks with pheromones, 20 pieces

Light one of the sticks to create an erotic atmosphere in your most intimate moments. A pleasant fragrance filled with pheromone delight that acts to stimulate both sexes - provoking a discreet and irresistible attraction in your partner.

Pheromones are natural substances that serve for seduction, being released from the body when sexual attention is needed. They are perceived by a special organ in the nose called the vomeronasal organ. Although they are invisible, without color and a tangible smell, they influence the subconscious and are successfully combined with all kinds of aromas. Even a small amountcould affects social behavior.

Aroma: cinnamon
