Vaginal Balls Sexwell 2 Silicone Pink

  • Length: 8 см.
  • Material: Silicone
  • Диаметър: 3.3
  • Цвят: Розов
  • Характеристика: Пълна

It will be even more fun with...

№: 43753 unisex Good for all
229.00 BGN
–25% new
№: 41047 Good for women
41.25 BGN
55.00 BGN
–25% new
№: 41019 Good for women
41.25 BGN
55.00 BGN
–25% new
№: 41044 Good for women
41.25 BGN
55.00 BGN
–25% new
№: 41040 Good for women
41.25 BGN
55.00 BGN


Sexwell Balls 2 vaginal balls are a unique sex toy that successfully combines the useful with the pleasant. They will allow you to exercise your pelvic floor muscles in a fun, playful and easy way!

Wearing the balls during daily activities helps to train and tighten the pelvic muscles. This provides extra pleasure that can not only lead to orgasm, but also make your sex life much better, allowing you to tighten and relax your vaginal muscles whenever you want!

Exercising with vaginal balls, in addition to being pleasant, can also be very useful, as they help maintain the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Over time, due to mechanical injuries, surgery or childbirth, the pelvic muscles can weaken and this can lead to unwanted leakage of urine during very ordinary activities such as carrying heavy objects or even sneezing.

Sexwell Balls 2 are suitable for women who do not have a prolapsed or inverted uterus and are not undergoing a recent hysterectomy*.
Recommended after successful training with Sexwell Balls Uno.
*If you've had a hysterectomy: please check with your doctor before using the vaginal balls to make sure they're right for you.

You can wear the balls all day, but 30-40 minutes a day while walking is enough to feel their effect after 8-12 weeks.

Clean with cleaning products designed for silicone sex toys or with mild antibacterial soap and warm water. Rinse well!

How to do Kegel exercises

To get a better feel for the muscle you're trying to tighten, try stopping the stream suddenly while urinating. The muscle that stops urine is the same muscle you will be training. Try again after you pee. Tighten and hold that muscle as long as you can, then relax and repeat. These are Kegel exercises!

Of course, there are many options for doing them – and just like with regular workouts where the exercises get more and more challenging, with kegels you can progress with different ball sizes.

Easiest to train with vaginal balls/eggs. They are inconspicuous when worn and can be used during everyday activities - while working, traveling, going outside, practicing yoga, etc.

What are the benefits of kegel training?

1. Better orgasms
When a woman orgasms, the muscles in your vagina contract and send waves of pleasure throughout your body. The pelvic muscles are actually responsible for this incredible pleasure. When you train them and keep them in shape, you will have even stronger contractions during orgasm.

2. Tighter vagina
As with full-body workouts, you'll notice that the stronger your muscles get, the tighter your vagina will become. This means that during sex you will feel the penetration of the penis much better than before, but your partner will too!

3. Bladder control
If you have given birth or have always had poor bladder control, the positive effect of Kegel exercises will please you. Strong pelvic muscles mean better control over everything in there!



Аз съм на 50 години жена, родила 2 прекрасни деца и за жалост от раждането и от възрастта започнах да имам пробелми там долу.
За мен лично точето ви 1 е доста голямо и за това закупих номер 2 и веднага ги започнах. Резултат усетих след 4тия месец и ме е яд, че ме беше срам и не ги бях взела по-рано!
Минах директно на това, прескочих първото. Харесват ми
Малко големички ми идват но с лубрикант се шмугват
Haresvat mi
Взех и трите - много съм доволна. Ползвам ги на йога. Понякога се изпотявам от зор защото ми става хубаво и се старая да не забележи никой !
Много хубави топчета. Изработката им е качествена и нямат ръбове. Аз реших че няма смисъл да започвам с единичното топче и направо минах на тези. Беше малко трудно в началото но се преборих. Определено усещам разлика. На 52 години съм, в менопауза.
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