Price: 16.73 BGN
23.90 BGN

It will be even more fun with...

№: 2003 Good for men
1.00 BGN
–10% new
№: 45826 unisex Good for all
152.10 BGN
169.00 BGN
№: 45807 unisex Good for all
79.00 BGN
№: 2759 Good for men
55.00 BGN
№: 1741 Good for women
179.10 BGN
199.00 BGN


Special package "Condom with a cause" - learn more about the campaign here!

30 pcs. Sexwell condom - durable and as thin as possible, to preserve the pleasure during sex!
SexWell condoms are designed for those of you who appreciate high quality and the feeling of closeness with your partner! They are made of durable latex.

Condoms are tested electronically. With correct use, they are maximally durable and retain the exciting feeling during sex!

Size - 185mm ± 2mm length (in the relaxed state without measuring the reservoir) and 55mm ± 2mm width (measured with the condom flattened on a smooth surface).

If you have an increased sensitivity to latex, consult your doctor about using latex condoms.

How big is my penis?
How to measure length:
1. The penis must be in a maximally erect state.
2. The beginning of the ruler (0cm) touches the front abdominal wall (where the penis touches the body). Do not push the ruler!
3. The tip of the glans penis is considered the end point. Convert centimeters to millimeters.
4. Repeat the measurement 2-3 times on different days, it is desirable that you have not ejaculated 24 hours before (a man's erection may vary and may not always be maximal).

How to measure the thickness:
The easiest way to measure the thickness of the penis is by using a tape measure (a tape measure on a roll) that wraps around the penis.
1. The penis must be in a maximally erect state.
2. The beginning of the measuring centimeter (0cm) is placed at the thickest part of the body of the penis, then the measuring tape is wrapped around the shaft until it reaches the starting point. Convert centimeters to millimeters.
3. Again, it is advisable to measure several times, on different days.

Calculation of the size: The obtained numbers (separately for length and for thickness) are added and divided by their number (i.e. if in three days you measured 19, 18, 18.5 cm, add them and divide the obtained number by 3) and you will get the average width and length of your penis that is considered correct.

How to determine which condom fits the penis:

The size of condoms is measured in millimeters.
1. The length is measured without the reservoir, as it must remain free to fill with the ejaculatory fluid.

2. Width is measured by flattening the condom on a flat surface. If the width of a condom = 55mm, then its circumference is equal to the width x2, i.e. 110mm. Please note that with all condoms there may be a tolerance of ±2mm.
